Whatever you do, don’t look back

Which direction are you looking?

I just finished listening to a podcast from Hit Play Not Pause. Hosted by Selene Yeager, and the guest of this podcast was Lenita Anthony. (Episode 47). The audience is female focused and how we move through life and find ways to work with transitions of hormonal issues and menopause. As I listen to all these amazing podcasts, I see more about how it’s women lifting up other women through adversity in sport and trying to be the best versions of themselves possible.

This particular podcast focused on as we age, we often look back in the rearview mirror and wish we were that person many years ago. Lenita really hit the hammer on the nail for me.

I wish I was the weight I was when I was 25.

I wish I was as strong as I was when I was playing hockey.

I wish that I had taken time off work when I was sick. Maybe I would have healed more quickly.

The ‘I wish game’ is a lonely dark road. I find it’s a game that you can never really come out on top on. As we age and as we move forward in life there are certain factors that we must work with. If we are always looking backwards, how can we accept where we are today?

Eckhart Tolle has written books and taught us all that all we have is the present moment. Nothing else. Looking ahead, backwards, is what brings suffering. If this is the case, why do we struggle so much? Do I not like who I am today? Do I not appreciate all the efforts I have made to be my best self?

As I listen to all these amazing women speak on the HPNP podcasts, I’m comforted by how many of us share the same struggles, but also inspired by how many keep persevering and moving forward to reach their goals.

As a goal setter, I feel lost when I don’t have something to work towards. I accept that it’s not always feasible to have the carrot in front of you to chase, but I recognize it’s good to be aware when I need a target to keep me focused and motivated.

The takeaway; appreciate where you are now. Recognize your wins. Always be gentle with yourself and keep moving. A body in motion is a healthy one. Strength, sleep, intervals and rest days are recipes for success. Although it’s not always attainable to reach all aspects of our athletic journey, try to touch on at least some of those areas the best you possibly can.

When you go to bed at night thank yourself. Smile and try again tomorrow.


How do you want to be remembered?


Shifting to Neutral